Do I have to install solar PV for the new Part L building regulations?

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  • Do I have to install solar PV for the new Part L building regulations?
Solar panels

The short answer is no!

However, under the updated 2021 Part L Building Regulations, gas boilers must be accompanied by some form of renewable energy to meet compliance. This is most commonly solar PV.

The solar PV requirement will depend on the fabric and heating specification of the dwelling. When carrying out the SAP calculations we will outline the minimum solar PV requirements to meet compliance.

A great alternative to gas heating is air source heat pumps. These often do not require Solar PV to meet compliance, however this does vary dependent on the dwelling and specification.

Our team can advise on heating and renewables once the SAP calculations are complete. We can also provide several options if you are unsure of which system to go with.  

Find our more about SAP Calculations with UKBC here.
